Nature Happenings

  • Project Feeder Watch starts and extends until April,
  • Chickadees, titmice, bluebirds and cardinals will group with others of their species to form small winter flocks.
  • Feeders get busier as the month progresses.
  • Peak number of Sandhill Cranes at Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area in northern Indiana by middle of month.
  • Beavers are very active in the evenings while caching a winter supply of food.
  • Waterfowl migration peaks this month.
  • Mallard migration peaks in the area.
  • Peak of deer breeding season. Use caution while driving.
  • Open water is important if there's an early freeze. Put out heated bird baths for a winter water source.
  • Leonid meteor shower is mid-month.